Digital Citizenship

The statistics I learned in the quiz are similar to the way I use media by the amount of time I use listening to music, sleeping by my phone, texting, and on Facebook and social media sites. I learned that you should never put too much information on your Facebook or any other social site because it can never truely be deleted and anyone can see it. You should not put too much personal information, such as where you live or where you are at at the moment because anyone, even people you would not suspect, can see and they could either stalk you or harm you in someway.Your ditital footprint is everything that can be found out about you online. Many colleges or job employeers look at them to determine whether or not they think you would be the best worker or student. You should try to keep only things you would want these people to see about you online. A problem many encounter while online is something called Cyberbullying or online cruelty. This is where someone on the internet bullies you and sometimes even threatens you by use of a digital device or system. Cyberbullying is a very serious matter because some feel you can never truely escape it. I believe the best thing to do if you are ever the victim of cyberbulling is to either tell a trusted adult, or simply report the person or people you are being bullied by.

First Week

My first week as a junior in high school has been very exciting. I am now an upperclassman and didn’t even have any trouble finding my classes, which is unusual for me. I haven’t had too much homework in my classes so far, which is great, but I know that will change pretty soon. My classes that I am taking are Band, U.S. History, AP Algebra 2, AP English, BIM 2, Chemistry, and Spanish 2. I am eager to know what lies ahead for this school year!